Classics in Ogboni Studies : Babatunde Lawal, Philosopher of Ogboni
Babatunde Lawal surrounded by great works of Yoruba art, his field of study Abstract An exploration of the insights of the work of art historian, art critic and art theorist Babatunde Lawal on the Yoruba origin Ogboni esoteric order in relation to developing a comprehensive grasp of Ogboni philosophy, intrinsic to the order and in its integration within Yoruba thought. Philosopher of Ogboni Babatunde Lawal may be described as a philosopher of Ogboni on account of his dramatization of Ogboni vision, through poetry of expression, analytical depth, ideational range and artistic sensitivity, projecting a passion that lifts to the mind's eye the glory of his subject. Representative examples of his scholarly work may also be seen as demonstrating an inter-relationality, a coherence of subjects and of perspectives on those subjects, suggesting an Ogboni vision, even though he is not known as an Ogboni initiate. Law...