
Showing posts from October, 2020

Developing Universal Ogboni Philosophy and Spirituality : My Journey

                                                                 Abstract This is a statement of my goals, the rationale for those goals, a description of my methods and an account of my progress in developing Universal Ogboni Philosophy and Spirituality, a new school of the Yoruba origin Ogboni esoteric order, centred in Ogboni veneration of the feminine, represented by Ile, Earth, universal mother, represented by male and female human beings as her children. This initiative is grounded in the aesthetic values of Ogboni bronze sculpture in dialogue with Ogboni philosophy and spirituality, within the context of classical Yoruba thought, framing these conjunctive streams in a global framework integrating African, Asian and Western thought. This creation is part of my effort in contributing to the development of female centred spiritualities in general, represented outside Africa by my expansion of the Hindu Sri Devi Khadgamala Stotram ritual dedicated to the Goddess Tripurasundari, of w