Self Initiation into the Universal Ògbóni Philosophy and Spirituality 4:Concluding Invocations



This is the fourth part of a ritual for relating oneself to the foundational spiritual powers and ethical vision of the Earth and humanity centred Yorùbá origin Ògbóni esoteric order.

Here are part 1, part 2 and part 3 of the ritual.
The ritual is based on an understanding of Ògbóni developed from scholarly research on the esoteric school.
This foundation is developed in terms of the grounding of Ògbóni within classical Yorùbá philosophy and spirituality. These conjunctions are further correlated with philosophical, religious and artistic expressions from Africa, Asia and the West.
This is the first initiatory text of a new school of Ògbóni I am developing, the Universal Ògbóni Philosophy and Spirituality.
The goal of this new school of thought and action is that of publicly demonstrating how to take advantage of the contemporary and timeless significance of Ògbóni thought and culture.

These values are evident to me even as a non-member of conventional Ògbóni who prefers to work out an individualistic approach to Ògbóni thought and culture rather than join an Ògbóni group.

The logic of the ritual, the sources and reasons for the choices of elements included and why they are used the way they are, is presented in the footnotes.

The images come from various sources online. I will provide the credits later. Great thanks to the creators of the images and those who uploaded them.

Female half of a male and female edan ogboni pair

the sequence of images of the Ògbóni cosmogram, without the accompanying invocations :
white light : grains of white powdered chalk :
points of deep black light for mud :
black points within which a red flame glows
evoking charcoal from cooking fires :
human being
red points of light for camwood dust :
to consolidate them in your memory, facilitating your calling them up anytime, recalling their symbolic values.
Maintain silence

Sculpture of Ogboni horseman which could be taken as evoking journeying between dimensions

a beam of white light
descending from orun
from where existence emanates
visualized as the farthest point in space above your head
passing through your head, your body and exiting below
penetrating to the core of the Earth and exiting into outer space.[1]

Male half of an edan ogboni male and female pair

That light in your chest
reach out from your chest to your sides
left and right.
On the right, reaching out to touch the cluster of black points
within which a red flame glows
evoking charcoal from cooking fires
representing Ogun the fashioner
Ìwòrì Méjì, the leaves as the cosmos
the cosmos as the leaves
human creativity
Earth as the all performing wisdom
which gives perseverance and unerring action in all things.


From your right
the light moves to your front
to touch the points of white light
representing grains of white powdered chalk
symbolizing Olorun, ultimate creator
Obatala, the igniter, from whom existence explodes
Èji Ogbè, opener to all possibilities of existence
Onile, embodiment of the all-pervading wisdom
structuring the physical cosmos.

Male onile

From your front
the light proceeds to your left to touch the cluster of red points
evoking blood, standing for the life force of humans and animals
identified with Obaluaye, purifying fire
Òdí Méjì integrator and distributor
Onile, bringing strength to the spirit
turning sorrow to wisdom
pervasive yet discriminating.


The light continues
to your back
touching the constellation of deep black
representing mud
signifying Oduduwa, mountain unifying mind, world and cosmos
Òyèkú Méjì, consolidator of the doors to all possibilities
Onile as Earth, mother of mothers on whose body all life feeds.
Place your palms together and state:
Maintain silence


Concluding Invocation of Onile
Evoking the Ògbóni Cosmogram
Mother of we, charcoal burners feeding flames for food
creators of ever more powerful forms of fire
blood palpitating, bonding us in life and judgment.
In the name of the ultimately immense one
luminous as the sky yet beyond that great immensity.
May your presence be known.
In mystery and power,
in darkness and light,
in awe and illumination, majestic yet comforting.
Ilè! Alagbara! Powerful! Immovable!
Yet dynamic as the flowing stream and the crashing waves
rhythms of ocean bottom, life teeming in silent depths.
Accept these humble gifts as we seek your presence.
Maintain silence.

Female half of a male and female edan ogboni pair

Having unified all four points of the Ilédi ògbóni you have become and consolidated this embodiment of sacred space by a summative invocation of Onile in relation to the Ògbóni cosmogram, seal the consecration of yourself.
Touch your finger to your forehead.
“May I realise my unity with
To your chest
To your right shoulder
“My fellow humans”
To your left shoulder
“ All that exists”
bring your two palms together and declare
“To the greatest blessing of all beings
As long as being exists.”
Maintain silence
The initiation is completed.
It is complemented by the philosophical summations of Ògbóni that follow in part 5.

[1]This section is an adaptation of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram from Western esotericism adapted and discussed in the earlier parts of this ritual.
An Invitation to Donate to this Project
You can contribute materially to this project, facilitating research and publication in Ogboni Studies, consolidating the subject and providing foundations for the unified study of African esoteric systems, bodies of thought and action defined by secrecy in the exploration of knowledge.
Click here to donate at Ogboni Explorations blog.


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